UC Berkeley MIDS Graduate
Hi there! My name is Jimmy Dunn and I’m an emerging data scientist living in the California Bay Area. I recently received my Master’s in Information and Data Science from the University of California, Berkeley in December of 2019 and am actively looking for full time opportunities doing data science.
I have an undergraduate degree in Environmental Sciences, where I wrote my senior thesis on subnational ecological resource consumption, and a professional background in climate change. My long term career goal is to bring what I’ve learned about data science techniques and principles to the field of sustainability, but until then, I’m eager to learn as much as I can!
As someone making a career shift into data sciences, I’m making this website to host a portfolio of side projects that help me solidify my understanding of concepts I’m learning in the Berkeley program.
This website is a work in progress; check back soon for updates on my latest data science projects!